The Five Belts You Meet in Jiu Jitsu


When you start your jiu jitsu journey, you’re going to meet many new types of people. And some of them might seem strange to you, especially if you’ve never trained in a martial art before. You’re going to hear a lot of things from a lot of people trying to give you advice, but it always helps to know who you’re talking to. So allow us to introduce you to the five belts you meet in jiu jitsu. 


(Yes, there are way more than these 5 archetypes, so if this post works out and you love it, let us know, and we’ll write a follow up.)

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  1. The Spazzy White Belt

Brand new to jiu jitsu? Look in the mirror, then, cause this one might be you! Listen, we’ve got a lot of empathy for the panic you experience when you first start training jiu jitsu. It’s tough! You want to freak out because it may be the first time you’ve ever experienced feeling completely powerless physically. When you have a roll with someone who is highly experienced, there’s a good chance they’re just going to sit on top of you, and honestly, that’s probably them being nice! You’re going to feel trapped and upset, and it’s natural to want to freak out and wiggle around like a crazy person. Depending on how crazy you get, you may be considered a little spazzy at first. Don’t fear, we’ll help you get over this phase of the game. Pretty soon you’ll be rolling smooth and soulful.

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2. The Bossy Blue Belt

Blue belt is a LOOOOONG belt, generally speaking. It’s the time period in which you move from a beginner to starting to look like an expert. When you’re new to jiu jitsu, a blue belt probably has great advice for you from time to time. They may explain how to do things all wrong, but they may know more than you, so you should probably listen! Then again, every now and then, they might just get a little too bossy… Like maybe you’re pretty sure you’re about to choke them, then they stop you just to ‘help you get the choke in tighter.’ It’s always tough to tell. Maybe they’re helping you out! Or maybe they’re protecting the thin sliver of dignity they have left after being crushed by purple belts for the last hour. Either way, they’ve earned it.

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3. The Spinny Purple Belt

Breaking the laws of physics one inversion at a time, you’re going to meet someone who is spinning around on the mat casual as can be. How are they doing it? Don’t worry, they have no idea either, but they’re flowing and it’s magical. Can you pass this spinny guard? Nope. Are they somehow threatening to attack your arms and your legs at the same time? Yep. If you back up and make them stand up and pass your guard instead, will they just fall back on a leg lock? Probably. Purple belt is a wonderful journey.

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4. The Mat Enforcer Brown Belt

There are a lot of ways that pain can be inflicted on a person, which means there are many styles of brown belt mat enforcer. The mat enforcer has an important job, they are there to keep the balance of good and evil on the mats… by being excessively evil while everyone else is good. The brown belt is there to remind you that you are terrible at jiu jitsu. Some do it with speed, some with strength, some move around like a sloth taunting your lack of abilities. But mostly, the brown belt is just angry that they’re so old and not a black belt yet.

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5. The Disappointed Black Belt

This one really only applies to you after you’ve been training for awhile. If you’re brand new, trust me, your black belt coach is just glad you’ve taken the hardest step and put on the white belt. For the rest of you, depending on your gym, this may be your coach or it may just be another black belt who trains with you. Either way, you’ve disappointed them, I promise. And let’s be clear, it is your fault for not being better. But don’t worry about them; a great black belt can be both patient and encouraging with you and disappointed in you at the same time. They’ll continue to teach you and show you the way, and they’ll always hold out hope that one day the student will become the master. One day a long time from now.

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So what are you waiting for? Don’t you want to come find out what kind of white, blue, purple, brown, and black belt YOU would make? Over here at Airlock Jiu Jitsu in Bastrop, we’d love to find out with you.

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