Morning Jiu Jitsu Classes at Airlock Jiu Jitsu in Bastrop


Yep, you read that right! Airlock Jiu Jitsu is FINALLY offering morning jiu jitsu classes! We’ve had folks asking us since the day we opened, and we’ve been able to update our schedule to accommodate this exciting spot in the class offerings. In the spirit of the early morning warriors, here are some of our top reasons to jump in on morning jiu jitsu classes:

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  1. Rip off the Band-Aid

There’s got to be about a 50/50 split out there among the early birds and the night owls. But even if you’re naturally an early bird, the idea of rolling out of bed to go fight people immediately is a tough pill to swallow (get it? Bonus bird reference). But think about the effect that morning jiu jitsu can have on the rest of your day… One of my favorite concepts about fighting comes from the novel Fight Club: “After a night of fight club, everything in the real world gets the volume turned down. Nothing can piss you off. Your word is law, and if other people break that law or question you, even that doesn’t piss you off.” There’s something magical about fighting other people with your bare hands and then seeing the effect that has in the real world. And when you start your day with a good scrap, imagine going about your workday and then being pissed off about some rude email you got… It just has the volume turned down.

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2. You get to train twice a day

Our previous schedule included lunch classes, which we are now switching in favor of a morning 7am class. Speaking as the guy that coached both lunch and then attended evening classes, I can say that it’s survivable to train twice a day that way! But it’s a heck of a lot better when there’s a larger gap in between your training sessions isn’t it? With a morning class, you’ve got HOURS to recover (especially you sedentary work-from-home folks like me). Get in double the training and you’ll see twice the results, right? Right??

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3. You get to carry a sense of superiority through your WHOLE day

With evening classes, you really only get to feel superior to everyone else for a few hours before you go to bed. Morning classes? Different story. NOW, you get to walk through the world knowing that you are the supreme being all day long. You truly are the chosen one, the greatest one-stripe white belt there ever was or ever will be. 


Well, even if that last one isn’t true (although it secretly is), you get the idea. Morning jiu jitsu classes at Airlock Jiu Jitsu here in Bastrop, TX are underway. Always check the schedule to see the latest news and updates, and please note that morning classes require registration in advance (that way we know who’s coming). So if you’re ready to get started, give us a call!


Class Schedule 1010224
Class Schedule 1010224

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