How Intense is Jiu Jitsu Really?

Most everyone has this question when considering training a martial art like jiu jitsu. It’s probably the first and last thing on your mind when you get in the gym, especially when you are brand new. The question really is, ‘Is someone going to just absolutely kick my ass??’ Well, at a good gym, and we sure think that’s what Airlock is, the simplified answer is that the intensity of the experience is going to be completely up to you.

If there’s one thing that we know, it’s that everyone who trains jiu jitsu is looking for something different, and all of them are valid goals. Some people want a new type of workout that challenges their whole body, some people want to feel more confident about defending themselves, some people want to aggressively expose their own weaknesses, and some people are obsessed with becoming barehanded killers – we get all types. Understanding what you might want out of training jiu jitsu and considering which type of person you are will vastly impact and improve your training experience.

There’s actually a great analogy that we can use here when we compare jiu jitsu to what our friends over at Strive Strength & Conditioning do. Let’s consider: If you decide to try a weightlifting class over at Strive, you have many ways you can do that. Everyone shows up to the same place and follows the same structure, but no one has exactly the same workout. That’s because you choose your own weights, you rest when you need to rest, you output however much effort you can or want to, you receive as much support & instruction as you need, and you just get out of the workout what YOU came to get out of it. 

At Airlock Jiu Jitsu, we feel similarly about jiu jitsu training. We want you to come get what YOU came to get out of training jiu jitsu. We’ve got hobbyists who love the challenge and comradery training right alongside savage competitors who want to train like maniacs and win all the medals, and they get along just fine. The great news is that they both share the rewards of training jiu jitsu – an incredible workout, close friendships, and a much more confident sense of their ability to defend themselves. 

Here, you get out what you put in, and the good news for the newbies is that the intensity ramps up over time. So NO, when you first come in, you won’t be ruthlessly beat up! Over time though as your knowledge and confidence grows, you can train harder, find out your weaknesses, and overcome them. And, yes, although it may sound crazy now, at some point in your journey, you’ll learn to really enjoy the experience of a trained jiu jitsu practitioner ‘kicking your ass’ every now and then. Here, your only competition is yourself – you don’t have to engage in the sport aspect by competing or even ‘leave it all on the mats’ every day. You’ll still grow and change, and you may find out that you’ve actually got more of the killer instinct than you think… It does tend to happen over time.

And by the way, for anyone who is specifically looking for an ass-kicking right out the gates, our Black Belt Rei Villa can oblige.

Come get this smoke at Airlock Jiu Jitsu – everybody gets a free week, Strive Strength & Conditioning members get special bundle pricing, and LEOs, Vets/Active Duty, and First Responders get a discount. 303 Martin Luther King Dr Bastrop, TX 78602, located inside Bastrop Fitness Project. 6 Days a Week. Classes for all. 

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